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Tournament Rules

Listed below is some general information that will apply to all NSA West tournaments

These rules are effective January 1st, 2024. Click Here for the 2023 rules.
  1. NSA Team and Roster Insurance must be uploaded to your team page on playnsa.com
  2. Guest Player Requirements (Link to Form)
    • The Guest Player form must be submitted no later than 8PM the day before the tournament. No weekend submissions.
    • Guest players may only be used if you have 10 or fewer unformed players on the field/team bench areas. If over 10 players,
      the guest player will be disqualified by the onsite Tournament Director.
    • All positions are eligible for guest players.
    • A Player can only be used three times in the same sanction fall, spring, or summer season.
    • A team can only use three guest players in one sanction fall, spring, or summer season.
  3. Adults $7.00 / Kids (8 - 17), Seniors, and Military $5.00 / Kids 7 & under Free
  4. Music will be allowed at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
    • Keep volume to a minimum level so not to affect the opponent and teams playing on other fields.
    • Can only be played prior to game starting and between innings.
    • Any walk up music played must end when the batter begins stepping into the batters box.
  5. Smoking, skateboards and bikes are not allowed inside the park
  6. No dogs are allowed inside the park. (Service Dogs are the exception.)
  7. Lock your vehicles. Do not leave valuables in sight.
  8. Teams are responsible for keeping the warm up areas, the bleachers and the dugouts clean.
    • This includes everyone associated with the team; coaches, managers, players and spectators.
    • Anyone using abusive language or behavior will be subject to ejection from the tournament.
    • All coaches are expected to control their respective teams and fans during the tournament.
  10. All offense players will wear a helmet in all live play! The first offense by any player is a warning, second offense is the restriction of the player and the head coach.
  11. The 5-Up rule will apply for 10U teams. (No team can score more than 5 runs if they are ahead while at bat.)
  12. First come - first serve for choice of dugouts (teams will remain in the same dugout should they play back to back games on the same field.)
  13. A coin flip will determine the home team for pool play only. Home team will be the official scorekeeper
  14. Effective January 1, 2024. Game Time Limits: Saturdays - 70 minute game time. Finish the inning, 80 minute drop-dead (Incomplete innings revert back to last complete inning). Sundays - Game times are 75 minutes.
  15. Rule and / or player protests require a $75 cash bond per question paid in advance by the protesting team. The money will be returned if the protest is upheld. The umpire-in-chief and the tournament director will make the final ruling.
  16. Sunday championship seeding will be determined by Win/Loss Record first, then Head to Head (unless more than two teams with the same record, then excluded), Runs Allowed, Runs Scored and Coin Flip in that order.
  17. (See 2024 National Softball Association Rulebook)

How to Qualify for Western Nationals

There are three ways to qualify

  1. Play in two tournaments starting August 1st and also play in any State Championship
  2. Play in a minimum of six tournaments starting August 1st
  3. Teams from out of state with no State Championship of their own automatically qualify